5. September 2020

Challenge #18: Die Gewinner / The winners

Hallo Ihr Lieben!

Hallo Everyone!

Die Gewinner unserer 18.Challenge "National Watermelon Day" stehen fest.
The winners of our 18th Challenge "National Watermelon Day" have been selected.

Der 1. Platz und der Gewinn eines Gastdesigns geht an: 
1st place and a guest designer spot goes to:


Gratulation! Congratulations!
Bitte melde Dich per mail (info@dayofthemonthcardclub.de) bei uns,
damit wir Dir alle Informationen zukommen lassen können.

Please contact us via email (info@dayofthemonthcardclub.de),
so that we can send you all the information.

Der 2. Platz geht an: / 2nd place goes to:

Dino with watermelon is a digi stamp from Gerda Steiner.  Big slice of watermelon & sentiment is from The Dark Room Door

Der 3. Platz geht an: / 3rd place goes to:


Am 7. September starten wir unsere nächste Challenge.

September 7th we'll start our next challenge.

Und allen anderen, die nicht gewonnen haben, möchten wir sagen:

And for everyone who did not win, let's say:

Es gibt IMMER einen Grund zum Feiern!
 There is ALWAYS a reason to celebrate!

5 Kommentare:

  1. Congrats to the winners. Your cards are amazing... and yummy!

  2. Tolle Karten, ich gratuliere den Gewinnern ebenfalls! Liebe Grüße

  3. Congratulations to Izzy, and Karen!!! and thank you, so very much, for this 3rd place honor! It was so much fun to go looking for a little melon in my stash!

  4. Congratulations to Karen and Michele with their beautiful cards ! And thanks so much for choosing my card, I'm so thrilled ! x


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